Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Shadows and Tall Trees

In the beginning of Chapter 7 Ralph is noticing how dirty he is. He realizes his dirty habit of biting his nails has come back too. Ralph and Simon have a strange conversation and Simon tells Ralph he will get back alright. Ralph doesn't understand what Simon is talking about though. Later they see a pig and the boys try to kill it. Ralph throws a spear and gets excited about hitting the pig. Jack gets his arm cut by the pig's tusk and sucks out the blood. Then he starts playing around with Robert pretending he is the pig and everyone starts stabbing at him. He gets hurt, but they all just laugh about it. When it starts to get late Simon volunteers to cross the island alone to go tell Piggy they won't be back before dark. Other boys start to go back because they are scared. Then it's only Jack, Ralph, and Roger looking for the beast. They hear something in the trees, so they sneak up on it. They get really scared, so Ralph crawls up closer and the beast. He stands up and sees it, so he runs away and the other boys run too.

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