Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Beast from Water

Chapter 5 begins with a meeting because Ralph feels like they're getting out of control. He gives them new rules about where they go to the restroom, always taking food to the main fire to cook, and to always keep the fire going for signal. They boys start talking about a beast and they get scared. Ralph tries to tell them there is no beast and Jack says if there is they will just kill it. When Piggy tries to talk no one will let him. A little boy named Percival cries and tells them he has seen a beast. They make fun of him then they get scared. He just keeps crying though and Jack takes most of the boys away from the meeting to go play the hunting game. The only ones left at the meeting are Ralph, Piggy, and Simon, plus some little boys. Ralph talks about giving up being chief, but Piggy and Simon tell him to keep being chief. They talk about wishing grownups were there to tell them what to do. At the end of the chapter the little boy Percival is still crying.

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