Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cry of the Hunters

In this chapter Ralph is left alone by himself. Ralph goes back to castle rock to find Samneric and tell him that they would be better of as a three than a one. When Ralph is there Samneric tell him that they will hunting him the next day. When Ralph finds out he goes and hides in the creepers. Finally Ralpf gets so scared because they are so close he runs toward the beach screaming and crying. When Ralph reaches the beach he runs into a naval officer who was there to save the boys. After the boys realized that they were going crazy on the island they all began to cry.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Castle Rock

Piggy and Ralph decide to go get his glasses from JAck when he gets there they will not give them to him. They decide that they are going to tie up Samneric and kill Piggy. Roger lets a rock fall down and it smashes the conch and Piggy. They are both dead. Ralph takes off and hides so that he will not be killed himself.

The Shell and the Glasses

Ralph and Piggy came back to the beach to talk about the night before. While sitting beside one nother they bring up the night and how they said they didnt know it was Simon, and how they did not take part. When Samneric came up they told them they left early and did not take part, when they did. Ralph and Piggy decide to go back and take their fire from them. When they get there Piggy stays down while Ralph climbs up . While Ralph is up ther Jack orders somone grabs the twins and Roger let the rock fall down and kill Piggy. Ralph runs off while Jack is telling him to become part of the group.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Simon woke up and went up to the mountain to figure out what the beast was. When simon got up there he say that the beast was really a parchuates. Meanwhile, the rest of the boys are having a feast with the mother pig that Jack and his group killed. When Simon came back down the mountain to tell the others about his findings the boys were in there formation and Jack yelled that it was the beast so they killed Simon with the spears.

Gift for the Darkness

Jack calls an assembly and he tells everyone that he is going to leave the group. He asks if anyone would come with him and no one came out and said they would. By the next morning Ralph, Piggy, and a few others were the only ones there. Jack and all the others went hunting and killed a mother pig and cut its head off and put it on a double sworded stick. Ralph and the others were starting to get hungry while the others were feasting on a pig , but Jack asked them to come eat.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Shadows and Tall Trees

In the beginning of Chapter 7 Ralph is noticing how dirty he is. He realizes his dirty habit of biting his nails has come back too. Ralph and Simon have a strange conversation and Simon tells Ralph he will get back alright. Ralph doesn't understand what Simon is talking about though. Later they see a pig and the boys try to kill it. Ralph throws a spear and gets excited about hitting the pig. Jack gets his arm cut by the pig's tusk and sucks out the blood. Then he starts playing around with Robert pretending he is the pig and everyone starts stabbing at him. He gets hurt, but they all just laugh about it. When it starts to get late Simon volunteers to cross the island alone to go tell Piggy they won't be back before dark. Other boys start to go back because they are scared. Then it's only Jack, Ralph, and Roger looking for the beast. They hear something in the trees, so they sneak up on it. They get really scared, so Ralph crawls up closer and the beast. He stands up and sees it, so he runs away and the other boys run too.

Beast from Air

Chapter 6 starts at night when all the boys are asleep. In the sky there is a plane shot down in the war and a pilot ejects from the plane. His burning body falls from the plane and lands in the trees on the island. The next morning Samneric are tending the fire and they see something moving in the trees. They think it's the beast, so they run back to tell Ralph, Piggy, and everyone else that they've seen the beast. At first everyone thinks Samneric were just seeing things, but then the littluns get scared and Jack decides he will go and hunt it. Jack takes a group of hunters with him to look for the beast. Piggy has to stay back and take care of the littluns. While they are looking for the beast, Jack and some of the boys start playing around and trying to make a fort. Ralph gets mad at them and punches a rock, but they just keep playing around.

Beast from Water

Chapter 5 begins with a meeting because Ralph feels like they're getting out of control. He gives them new rules about where they go to the restroom, always taking food to the main fire to cook, and to always keep the fire going for signal. They boys start talking about a beast and they get scared. Ralph tries to tell them there is no beast and Jack says if there is they will just kill it. When Piggy tries to talk no one will let him. A little boy named Percival cries and tells them he has seen a beast. They make fun of him then they get scared. He just keeps crying though and Jack takes most of the boys away from the meeting to go play the hunting game. The only ones left at the meeting are Ralph, Piggy, and Simon, plus some little boys. Ralph talks about giving up being chief, but Piggy and Simon tell him to keep being chief. They talk about wishing grownups were there to tell them what to do. At the end of the chapter the little boy Percival is still crying.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Painted Faces and Long Hair

In the begining of this chapter it describes the beach and also how the boys are getting along. The littluns are starting to become sick from all the fruit that they are eating. Henry, Johnny, and Percivel are making sand castles on the beach. When Roger and Maurice got done with there shift from the fire. Roger led the way down to the water to wash off on his way he knocked over the castles that the littluns had been making. Later Jack realizes that the reason he has not gotten a pig yet was because they could see him before he got close enough. When Jack and the hunters went out they killed a pig. Meanwhile back on the beach Ralph spots a ship and realizes that there is no smoke because Jack went off hunting. When Jack got back and Ralph told him about the ship he didnt feel bad because he got a himself a pig. Everyone forgave him at once except for Ralph. When Piggy said something about him not keeping the fire, Piggy's glasses broke from being hit. Ralph was so mad at Jack that that he didnt even know what to say. Jack did not want to give Piggy meat because he hasnt helped anyone with anything because of his asthma, but Simon knew he was hungry and gave him some meat. The chapter ends with Ralph upset and calling a meeting at once.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Huts on the Beach

In this chapter Jack is starting to come through as the dominate one. Jack had been hunting all day even by himself. When jack got back to the beach he asked Ralph for a drink of water. Ralph had been extremely upset with him because simon and he had been working on the huts by the selfs all day. Jack and Ralph argued for a while the he went hunting again. When jack and the hunters came back they were empty handed. All Jack wanted was a pig, an he would kill for a pig

Fire on the Mountain

Throughout this chapter the main thing that happened was that they started a fire and the fire burnt one forth of the island. Also a little boy disappeared and they think that the fire got him. They started the fire by using Puggy's glasses.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Sound of The Shell

Right when it started off we were interduced two the main chacters Ralph and Piggy. Piggy is a short fat kid with glasses and Ralph is a kid that looks a boxer. The two boys went to the ocean to take a swim and they came across a conch. Ralph took the conch and goes on top of the pink rock and blows through it a few times and this choir of boys show up. When they showed up they were lead by Jack. In the choir was a boy named Simon who was very weak and fainted a lot. Then a few more kids came no adults were there. All the boys decided that they needed a leader, and they voted and Ralph. So then they needed to know if they were actually on a island. so Simon, Ralph, and Jack decided to go look around to see if it was an island. The rest of the boys stayed in that one spot. Simon, Ralph, and Piggy come upon a piglet and they couldnt kill it because they were to scared of the guts and everything.