Monday, November 30, 2009

Huts on the Beach

In this chapter Jack is starting to come through as the dominate one. Jack had been hunting all day even by himself. When jack got back to the beach he asked Ralph for a drink of water. Ralph had been extremely upset with him because simon and he had been working on the huts by the selfs all day. Jack and Ralph argued for a while the he went hunting again. When jack and the hunters came back they were empty handed. All Jack wanted was a pig, an he would kill for a pig

Fire on the Mountain

Throughout this chapter the main thing that happened was that they started a fire and the fire burnt one forth of the island. Also a little boy disappeared and they think that the fire got him. They started the fire by using Puggy's glasses.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Sound of The Shell

Right when it started off we were interduced two the main chacters Ralph and Piggy. Piggy is a short fat kid with glasses and Ralph is a kid that looks a boxer. The two boys went to the ocean to take a swim and they came across a conch. Ralph took the conch and goes on top of the pink rock and blows through it a few times and this choir of boys show up. When they showed up they were lead by Jack. In the choir was a boy named Simon who was very weak and fainted a lot. Then a few more kids came no adults were there. All the boys decided that they needed a leader, and they voted and Ralph. So then they needed to know if they were actually on a island. so Simon, Ralph, and Jack decided to go look around to see if it was an island. The rest of the boys stayed in that one spot. Simon, Ralph, and Piggy come upon a piglet and they couldnt kill it because they were to scared of the guts and everything.